Acupuncture & Hypnosis in NYC Ancient medicine for modern problems:
Safe, supportive Acupuncture in NYC and Hypnosis in NYC, and also virtually, around the world
For Pain, Insomnia, Anxiety, Stress and more, we use gentle Acupuncture and Hypnosis in NYC.
The Director of Blue Phoenix Wellness, Dr. Daniel R. Bernstein, has been practicing acupuncture in NYC since 1995, and Hypnosis in NYC since 2012. A renowned sleep specialist he authored the Amazon Best Seller, Rewired for Sleep: the 28-Day insomnia Program. At Blue Phoenix Wellness, Functional Medicine is part of our protocol. If you feel your hormones are off, we can help rebalance them, as that may be the source of anxiety, insomnia, depression and other mood swings. Contact us now.

What our patient's are saying:
I've been a regular patient of Dan's for the past 6 months and have truly noticed a transformation with my body. Dan's healing touch and intuitive insight has helped cure my weak immune system and IBS/stomach issues to the point where I"m taking no other medicine and am basically free of past symptoms. I whole heartedly recommend Dan's services.
Karin H
I've been a regular patient of Daniel for a few months and he has helped me enormously. Through acupuncture and hypnotherapy, Daniel has helped me to relieve anxiety and tension and have a more positive approach. When I mentioned that I am a nervous flyer, Daniel gave me an extended session that left me feeling much more positive and in control of my upcoming flight! I cannot recommend Blue Phoenix Wellness highly enough!
Lucy D
WONDERFUL ACUPUNCTURIST! I've been a patient of Dan's for over 2 years and he has helped me with lung health, back pain, anxiety and over all stress reduction. He is very kind, gentle, knowledgeable, respectful and caring! He also excepts insurance which is very helpful! If you are new to acupuncture he is the perfect person to work with. Very highly recommended!
Lori J
Your one hypnosis treatment did what years of patches and smokenders couldn’t do.
I’ve got just three words, for you Dan:
Still smoke free!
Thank you.
Wayne C
25 Years treating Insomnia, Pain, Anxiety and Stress-based Digestive Issues
Get Daniel’s New Book Here:
Rewired for Sleep
The 28-Day Insomnia Repair Program
by Daniel R. Bernstein, L. Ac. Ch

In this groundbreaking book, Daniel Bernstein offers solutions to sleep problems unlike any book before has. By melding cutting-edge research on sleep and insomnia, along with medicine from China, Egypt and India he shows you step-by-step how you can retake control of your sympathetic nervous system in just 28 Days.