Acupuncture treats Migraines.
With 76 million Americans sufferers, not many people know that acupuncture treats migraines. When we live with stress, contaminated food and environmental pollution, our bodies will react with discomfort, letting us know that we need help. And when we seek help, we have choices: We can go to medication–the Western Allopathic answer to most everything–or we seek alternative methods such as acupuncture.
Acupuncture provides effective relief for migraines and headaches. In contrast to Western methods, we address both the symptom and the cause of the issue. All of nature, including the human body, naturally seeks homeostasis, or natural balance. When out of balance, we exhibit symptoms (pain, headaches, discomfort). By addressing the underlying cause we begin the true healing process. We take a pill to make a headache go away, but it always comes back. Addressing the cause of dysfunction before it happens is the preventative model of medicine. Acupuncture is an ideal preventative medicine. Feel free to read my blog on Migraine here.
We Treat:
- Post-traumatic headaches
- Migraine Headaches
- Cluster headaches
- Tension headaches
- TMJ,
- Sinus headaches and
- High Blood Pressure headaches
How Acupuncture Treats Migraines: the Chemistry Behind it.
- Serotonin Changes: Low serotonin levels can make people susceptible to headaches. Acupuncture works to shift serotonin levels in both the brain and the spinal cord.
- Endorphin Changes: Endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers are commonly cited to explain the effectiveness of acupuncture treatments in relieving pain.
- Serum Magnesium Changes: Scientists found that a low level of magnesium in serum is correlated to migraines. Acupuncture treatment can increase the blood magnesium level.