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HYPNOPUNCTURE: The Best of Acupuncture + Hypnosis

HYPNOPUNCTURE: The Best of Acupuncture + Hypnosis

A. What is Hypnopuncture?

Q. Hypnopuncture is a relatively new treatment modality that combines the ancient science of acupuncture with hypnotic trance, in order to accelerate positive shifts in the body, mind and spirit.

Q. Generally, who are the best candidates for Hypnopuncture?

A. Often, those who have had unsatisfactory results from other modalities will experience the greatest rewards. These include people with issues related to….

Q. What is the simplest definition of acupuncture, and what is hypnosis?

A. Acupuncture engages the body’s own electromagnetic energy, using pins to ‘jumpstart’ the body’s immune processes.  Hypnosis, defined as ‘a state of physical relaxation accompanied by mental concentration’, accesses the subconscious in order to affect desired long-lasting change.

Q. I dislike needles. Do you always use them, and if so, how many do you use?

A. Whether using painless pins or magnets, I typically use four (and sometimes up to six) core acupuncture points to clear a path for healing.

Q. Won’t mixing two completely treatment strategies weaken each one?

A. The common goal of both systems is to bring the body and mind into balance. When combined in Hypnopuncture, the two modalities work synergistically to strengthen the power of the other one, thereby creating a deeper, more resonant healing experience.

Q. I like acupuncture. Why bother with hypnosis?

A. The subconscious is our source of wisdom and positive action. Before an old habit or mindset can shift, the subconscious has to agree to this new ‘contract’. This is why diets often fail and fail again: The subconscious has not been accessed. Trance is the method whereby that agreement takes place.

Q. Do you suggest Hypnopuncture for everybody who walks into your office?

A. Not everyone is an Hypnopuncture candidate.  I normally wouldn’t hypnotize someone with a sprained ankle, just as a ‘fear of flying’ client might not see benefits from acupuncture. Before any treatment I develop a ROF (Report Of Findings) to determine if the client is a viable candidate for treatment of any kind. If they are, then we discuss what the best direction might be for that particular client.

If you think you might be a candidate for acupuncture, hypnosis, or hypnopuncture, contact me for a 15 minute free consultation at 212 777 7191.


Daniel at Blue Phoenix

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