Acupuncture & Hypnosis Relieve Anxiety Naturally
Acupuncture & Hypnosis Relieve Anxiety Naturally People often doubt that acupuncture & hypnosis can relieve anxiety naturally. And yet, they are natural options that are
Acupuncture & Hypnosis Relieve Anxiety Naturally People often doubt that acupuncture & hypnosis can relieve anxiety naturally. And yet, they are natural options that are
Sleep Matters “For 25 years I have specialized in helping people sleep. Even the strength of your immune system is dependent on healthy sleep. My
Our 4 years of training in acupuncture tells us that the greatest healing is done by placing pins away from the source of pain. Most physical therapists typically have 40 hours of training in acupuncture, and therefore have little recourse but to put the syringes in an area that is already compromised.
Acupuncture Treats Insomnia Naturally People are finding out that acupuncture is a natural treatment for insomnia and other sleep disorders. You can’t sleep, and it’s
ACUPUNCTURE FOR ADDICTIONS People hear that using acupuncture for addictions to alcohol and drugs can be highly effective. And while this is very, true–Dr. Michael
Acupuncture for Osteoporosis and Arthritis At my New York clinic I often use acupuncture for Osteoporosis and arthritis. It’s a completely natural treatment that is
The conclusion drawn was that acupuncture is an effective form of treatment for IBS, particularly the pain and stress symptoms, and that its benefits exceed those of standard relaxation treatment.
Why you may ask, would you put pins in your back if you’re already in pain. The answer is, 1) it’s painless, and 2) acupuncture
Acupuncture treats allergies by boosting the person’s immune system. You can reduce the wheezing, sneezing and discomfort associated with allergic reactions. Under your physician’s guidance,
Treat Carpal Tunnel with Acupuncture One of the most common job-related injuries, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is responsible for the highest number of days lost
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