Access Your Inner MD with Hypnosis
Some refer to the process of asking the ‘higher self’ pertinent questions, as Metaphysical Hypnotherapy. In this state one may ask about physical or emotional health, career, family or even the health of others.
Some refer to the process of asking the ‘higher self’ pertinent questions, as Metaphysical Hypnotherapy. In this state one may ask about physical or emotional health, career, family or even the health of others.
Whether a client is in my office for smoking cessation, weight control, nail biting, sports injury–the list is long–they are really there for another reason. They’ve made a decision to take back their power.
how did a process wherein a woman’s body is in alignment with nature turn into a horrifying event dreaded by every female in the Western world?
The second reason we hypnotists like to do away with this diagnosis is because we know that a diagnosis is rarely the cause of an issue. It is a symptom of something else altogether that is going on in the psyche.
Once people’s conscious desire, which is, “I want to lose weight” is aligned with the ‘I must survive’ needs of the unconscious mind, the conflicting viewpoints recede and people tend to keep the weight off.
HYPNOSIS IS A TREATMENT FOR IBS The following are snippets from various trials and come from PubMed. Gut-directed hypnotherapy for IBS: A randomized controlled trial.
Research On Hypnosis For Weight Loss: Hypnotherapy group with stress reduction achieved significantly more weight loss than the other two treatments. A randomized, controlled, parallel
2 studies found that one hour a week of hypnosis for 12 weeks eased symptoms of irritable-bowel syndrome in 40% of patients (compared with 12% in a control group).
In 1999 the British Medical Journal advanced its opinion that hypnosis was effective for many more things including relief from the treatments of cancer, panic disorders, insomnia, phobias, obesity, pain, asthma, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
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