People are finding that acupuncture relieves Fibromyalgia symptoms naturally and without drugs. Contrary to what you may have been told, you are not helpless against this otherwise debilitating condition. What’s more, you don’t need be shackled to chemical ‘fixes’ that suppress the symptoms rather than eliminate them. At Blue Phoenix we have been treating Fibromyalgia for eighteen years with success. The main method we use is acupuncture, which can strongly diminish the discomfort of Fibromyalgia. We also use Chinese herbs.
Acupuncture This 2,000 year-old system works to diminish pain on multiple levels. Acupuncture for pain helps your joints become more flexible by increasing your circulation, thus moving blood to the area. It also has an analgesic effect by releasing Endorphin, a naturally occurring chemical that reduces pain. Acupuncture treatment also can diminish fatigue and lessen unwanted feelings such as depression and anxiety relate to the condition–all without having to resort to medication. Using acupuncture to treat fibromyalgia is a natural, pain free and non-toxic way to heal your body.
Things you can do for yourself.
- Turn off the air conditioner. Use only fresh air and have a cross breeze going in your house as much as is possible.
- Spend time outdoors. Get a little exercise every day, be it gardening, Yoga, Tai Chi, gentle stretching or walking.
- Drink at least a gallon of water a day
- When you feel sore…move, staying still makes it hurt more.
- Get regular massages, reflexology, begin to do a gentle form of yoga.
- Eat a healthy diet: this means reducing sugar, white flour and wheat from your diet by 80%, and take nutritional supplements.
- If you are aching, take a hot bath in Epsom salts and eucalyptus oil (Jones 23 oil is terrific for this)
- Reduce worrying (easy to say, and it is a process) and let go of dwelling on problems. Beginning a practice of Mindful Meditation, and of exercise, can help you to relax. The more you can relax and learn to be in charge of your body, the less pain you will experience.
Contact us with questions or for a 15 minute free consultation at 212 777-7191 or email us at [email protected]