Once given only to Empresses and courtesans, acupuncture is now being used to lift sagging skin including the cheeks, jowls, eyelids, and eyebrows. Micro-acupuncture restores the smooth flow of Bio-electric nerve impulses to facial tissues compromised by the aging process. As a result, the circulation of blood, collagen and lymph to the face is increased. This improves muscle tone and dermal contraction of the skin, diminishing the appearance of lines. The effect is a healthy and radiant glow that lights up the face.
How It Works
This system restores normal sebum secretion to eliminate dry and rough skin.
Anti-inflammatory Rejuvenation techniques flush toxins from the skin to eliminate acne.
Furrowed brows are reduced or eliminated with facial rejuvenation techniques to release muscle spasms.
The brow relaxes, flattens, and the patient experiences a profound sense of relaxation as tension leaves the body.
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture (acupuncture face lift) is a painless, safe, and cost effective treatment that is perfect for renewing your face without expensive, invasive techniques.
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is not advisable if you have been diagnosed with: Easy bruising (including patients on blood thinning medication) — Hemophilia — Skin Cancers — Diabetes mellitus — Coronary disease especially with a pacemaker — Acute herpes outbreak.