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Get Rid Of Your Body’s Heavy Metal Toxins

We continue to rid the body of toxins—we’ve discussed this in Attack Of The Killer Allergens Part I, and then in Immune Challenge. Next up: Heavy metal Toxicity.

The scientific community has known about these toxins for a long time without having a way of addressing this issue from a nutritional approach. Recent breakthroughs have allowed us to reduce the heavy metal loads in individuals through a simple, non-invasive test.  We test for Arsenic; Aluminum; Cadmium; Chromium; Copper; Gold; Iron; Lead; Manganese; Mercury; Nickel; Silver; Tin; Titanium and Zinc.

That’s where muscle testing comes in.

This relatively simple test identifies if you’ve got heavy metals in your body, and which specific ones they are. It’s important to identify what they are because that allows us to create lifestyle guidelines. For instance, if we test and the person comes up that they’re getting aluminum poisoning, it’s important to know it’s aluminum; if there are using aluminum pots, we ask if they are using baking sodas or baking powders with aluminum in it, or perhaps underarm deodorant which is loaded with aluminum.  All these things leach into the nervous system and eventually can cause Alzheimers and other neurological disturbances.   Once we know the specific toxin we can:

1) Give the client the correct lifestyle guidance

2)  Create the correct nutritional protocol  program that helps the body remove or reduce the levels of these toxic particles so it can actually heal itself. We can assist this process in various ways, with straight nutrition; there are products that have a tremendous affinity with the nervous system that can literally go in and pull metals out of the nervous system.

3) Make sure the body is producing enzymes that enable the body to get rid of these poisons. Such a product might include bentonite clay and related substances that will grab the toxins and keep them in your bowel so they can pass through, rather than get reabsorbed back into the body. Otherwise they move back into the liver. Bowel function needs to be taken into account with heavy metal detox. 

4) Continue to monitor the client’s progress, making sure they don’t detox too quickly, as that could be injurious to the system.

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