Hypnosis for Sleep
Hypnosis for sleep is a safe treatment modality used both in the US and across the world. Whether your problem is getting to sleep, staying asleep or waking fatigued, you can retake control of your life–without resorting to addictive pills to do so!
You may be surprised–or not–to hear that you possess all the tools necessary to sleep through the night. Science recognizes a new branch of Neurobiology known as Neuroplasticity. Basically, it affirms that our brain is, given the right stimulus, highly flexible. That simple axiom is at the core of hypnosis. To put things simply, if we are ready for change, and that change is positive for the psyche, then that shift can occur far more easily than we once thought possible.
Hypnosis for sleep is a simple process: imagine you’re in a calm, peaceful room; music gently playing in the background. With a bit of guidance, you’re able to access a deeply relaxed state that’s normally unavailable to you, but that becomes a template when it’s time to go to sleep. While in this state, which is on a continuum with meditation but easier to access, we use targeted suggestions that you have chosen to create meaningful change . If you would like more in-depth information on what hypnosis is, here are two in-depth recordings that I made that you can listen to
I'm anxious, and doubt I can be Hypnotized!
If you’re thinking that, you’re not alone. In fact, many hypnosis clients have that fear at first. But in a wonderful twist, the same anxiety that many people with insomnia struggle with find both problems reduced palpably by doing this work. But what does it take to become a hypnotherapist.
TRAINING: I began studying hypnotherapy in 2005 at New York Center for NLP, and continued with various master hypnotherapists and Neuro-LInguistic Practitioners. Indeed, my training (over 2500 hours and counting) is such that over 85% percent of hypnosis clients have reported positive experiences from this work. In my book, Rewired For Sleep, the 28-Day Insomnia Repair Program, I offer up many case histories to support this. We also use different therapies including acupuncture
Hypnosis for Sleep: What to expect: you’ll be aware of everything going on around you. You’ll always remember everything and never be unconscious. You will leave the session feeling incredibly calm yet vibrantly alive, knowing you now have tools that you can use to help you sleep at night.
MEDS: Many patients who come to me use sleep medication. They are understandably concerned whether hypnosis, NLP or CBT can help them despite that. The answer is yes: hypnosis and NLP can help even if you’re currently on medication. Often we may mentally “install” an imaginary “Ambien” or “glass of red wine” button that you “press” and which helps you to relax as if you had actually taken either one.
Hypnosis for Sleep can be highly effective, and that is just one of many different techniques we have that will assist you on your journey to healthy, nourishing sleep
Hypnosis Reboots Your Brain—In a good way!
You’ve heard the saying that your mind is a computer. Let’s use that slightly shopworn metaphor, because there is some truth to it.
Say you open a certain file in your brain, and if you’ve got sleep, anxiety, or stress issues, it’s crammed with negative beliefs. This worn groove of negative thought patterns is programmed to do one thing, which is, often, to fail. And you feel hopeless trying to overcome the old conditioning.
Hypnosis for sleep takes you out of the helpless place, speeding up the creation of new neural networks. By activating a strong positive feeling, we identify how we want to feel about sleep. We overlay a positive sleep experience in the area of the brain that had the negative emotions.
The beauty of using hypnosis for sleep is that it is all about self-empowerment. The techniques guide you to a place where you start to diminish fear, anxiety and of course, insomnia.
Hypnosis for sleep is an area that I have been focusing on for 15 years. As a result, I explain all these things fully in my Amazon prize winning book: Rewired for Sleep: the 28 Day Insomnia Repair Program (available on Kindle). In this book, I offer many exercises, tips, tools and techniques so that the person who is sleep deprived can start to sleep through the night.
Indeed, when it comes to hypnosis for sleep, whether in person or virtually, we can assist you on your journey back to a place of consistent, calm, nourishing sleep. Contact us now
So, now, with a different sensory and emotional experience stored in that same place in our brain, we can choose how we want to feel. Given a choice, the brain typically goes for a positive option.
The key to healing is working with you to discover the roots of your problems with sleep and creating a supportive and effective treatment program to address them.
Restful sleep is a key contributor to performance for sports, work and in relationships, and hypnosis for sleep is a safe alternative to medication.
Q: Does my insurance cover this treatment: There is a good chance it may. Contact us. When combined with acupuncture, you may be able to mitigate the costs.
Hypnosis for sleep is just one of our treatment modalities to help you get relief from insomnia.
Virtual Treatments are now available:

First Virtual Hypnosis Treatment
First Virtual Hypnosis Session
$400.00Original price was: $400.00.$340.00Current price is: $340.00.
Insomnia in New York is all too-common. Your choices are simple: get addictive meds, or come to us. Dr Daniel Bernstein, author of Rewired for Sleep: The 28 Day Insomnia Repair Program can help. His insomnia Hypnosis protocol is founded on creating an individual plan and backed by individually-tailored treatment tools, techniques and remedies.