It almost seems like a cliche, but hypnosis for anxiety and obsessive thoughts is the real deal. Psychiatrists see anxiety so often they refer to it as the common cold of psychiatric conditions. They also consider it to be one of the most difficult conditions to treat. That’s probably why they all simply give patients anti-anxiety pills. That’s really all they’ve got for it. I on the other hand, am able to help people without resorting to pills; in fact, I use acupuncture, herbs, and hypnotherapy every day to help people cut their levels of anxiety from between 30 and 90%. I always tell them we don’t want to get rid of it 100%, since it does serve a survival-based function.
Anxiety and Obsessive Thoughts Can Be Hormonal
Often there is a physiological response taking place in the hormones. Neurotransmitters congregate near receptor sites that are full of chemicals, called corticoids, that induce anxiety, depression and stress. It’s not all in your mind by a long stretch.
We test for hormonal problems in all anxiety patients, and have found that between 80-90% of them have two major contributing factors: A sympathetic nervous system (SNS) that is frozen in “fight or flight’ mode, and/or a depleted Adrenal/thyroid system. When we address these contributing factors we are able to make great strides to eliminate them using acupuncture, hypnosis, or both.
Are Obsessive Thoughts bad? How Many Kinds are There?
Believe it or not, there are quite a few categories of anxiety out there. They include;
Generalized Free-floating Anxiety
Panic attacks
Obsessive thoughts
Vague Fears and nerves
Difficulty Coping With Stress
Performance anxiety
Worry and uncertainty
Anxiety linked to low self esteem or confidence.
Combat Anxiety and Stress Using Hypnosis…and More
. Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming are powerful systems that break down the negative thought patterns and ‘hard-wire’ new, more positive ones instead. We begin by teaching you self-hypnosis techniques. Our goal is to help you get rid of old thought patterns that no longer serve you. For instance: You’re struggling studying for an exam, but it’s linked to a negative memory that makes you anxious about test-taking. The two thoughts are paired. Much as they would be if I said “Tiffany”, many people would instantly conjure the image of a diamond.
One way we make anxiety less powerful is by finding out what its secondary benefit is, and then substituting it for another, less damaging one. One of the goals of hypnotherapy is to replace old and now damaging ‘tapes’ with new and highly improved ones of your own making.
Call for a free consultation or contact us
If you’re currently on prescription medication or under a therapist’s care for anxiety or depression, we will coordinate with your licensed medical provider.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]