Insomnia: Three Solutions
We use primarily 3 approaches to treating Insomnia
While working with insomnia patients for twenty years, we have found that an integrated approach to healing works best. Chinese medicine utilizes acupuncture and herbal formulas that are safe and effective. Another method uses hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. The third approach engages the hormonal system. We use targeted supplements that help to balance hormones and calm the nervous system. Whether they are used individually or in combination, these methods can help you sleep again, sooner than later. The process is described fully in Dr. Daniel Bernstein’s bestselling book, Rewired for Sleep: the 28 Day Insomnia Repair Program.
A. The Acupuncture Model
Chinese Medicine views the body, and sleep through a different lens than Western medicine does. In this view, lack of sleep indicates that a particular part of the body is out of balance with the whole person. The goal then, is to locate the imbalance and use acupuncture, herbs, nutrition, and exercise to “right the ship”. The beauty of Acupuncture is that it naturally helps reboot your nervous system so that you’re always “playing” at the top of your game. Contact us if you have any questions, or to set up a consultation. We accept most insurance, as well.
B. The Hypnotherapeutic Model.
People often ask about the difference between guided visualization, meditation, and hypnosis. The answer is that they are all on a continuum. In the case of hypnosis, we connect your conscious with your subconscious to find the roots of your insomnia, and then help you get back to sleeping in a natural rhythm. Whether you use it with acupuncture or as a stand-alone therapy, Hypnosis is an effective solution for breaking the insomnia cycle that, once started, can be difficult to change on its own. Call or email for a consultation. We accept some insurance if it is performed with acupuncture.
C. The Nutritional Model
In this model, we turn to hormonal balancing using supplements and nutrition. Much of the food that we eat can compromise our hormones, and our ability to sleep through the night and wake rested. In this method, we use targeted supplements to repair your nervous system and thereby help you get to sleep and stay asleep.
Q. How will I know which system will be best for me?
During our initial consultation we discuss your options and work from there. If you are uncomfortable with any of the above methods, we find one or two that you and use those instead. Our goal is for you to see discernible shifts in your sleep patterns quickly. Once I know the nervous system is ‘available’ for repair, we can proceed with treatment.