Fatigue?Feeling Blah?? Bad PMS? Balance Your Hormones for Better Health
Balance Your Hormones for Better Health
Perhaps you’re always tired, are stressed, or having a rough menopause. We tend to think these discomforts are just part of life and so accept them. WRONG.
You don’t have to drag yourself through life. What to do, then? Is there really a way to repair our hormonal system?
The answer is relatively simple: balance your hormones and life will be smoother. We use a straightforward method to 1) check to see if you are hormonally balanced. 2) If there is a imbalance or deficit, we find what is it and how it came about, 3) find what your body needs to get better, and 4) get the correct dosages (you’d be shocked how often MD’s get this crucial part wrong).
The system by which we do this work is called Functional Medicine. Stress overload leads to fatigue. That said, we have busy lives, and often try and push through it.
Unless you consciously balance your hormones, your body wears down and, over time, breaks down. It’s best to be pro-active and slow that process. With our protocol we test your hormonal system If there is a problem we repair it using whole food supplements which help to balance your hormones to get you feeling your oats. We also use clean herbs, hormonal acupuncture (it’s a real thing!) and thermal medicine.
In Order to Balance Your Hormones, We:
Repair The Endocrine System
No matter how much you take care of your body, functional medicine helps you to balance your hormones. Because when your endocrine system is out of balance, this can impact on the entire body. For instance, a tired thyroid my lead to unwanted issues with your weight issues, diabetes, menstrual or menopause, and chronic ulcers. Fatigued adrenals make it hard to get out of bed and take on the world, even though every part of you wants to be doing just that. At Blue Phoenix, we take functional medicine very seriously and support you on. your journey using organic supplements from Standard Process, using specific tests to determine precisely the correct dosage for you.
Repair The Adrenal Gland
“I sleep all night and wake up feeling fatigued”. If that’s you, you may be experiencing stress and feeling the effects of enhanced cortisol, the stress hormone. This can drain the adrenal gland, which then drains your energy. By repairing your damaged adrenals you can sleep better & have more energy.
Repair the thyroid.
A number of the female populace has thin, weak nails and hair. And while this may seem like a purely cosmetic issue, it is that, and also far more than purely cosmetic. Using an integrative form of functional medicine, we check your thyroid, and often find that it is weak, and in need of gentle care. At that point, rather than attack the body with drugs, we use targeted supplements to help the body to help itself. This more measured method is one that pays off great dividends. Not only does your thyroid appreciate this nourishing approach, but your nails and hair will as well. the supplements we use are all organic.
Repair damaged organ systems
The typical person who lives in New York is nothing if not an urban warrior. You know how to deal with stress better than most people. But the wear and tear happens even (or especially) when we don’t see it coming. We use targeted supplements to help you to handle stress, heart conditions, headache, depression and other conditions without drugs. We use a 27 point test using Applied Kinesiology to ascertain three things: 1) What organ system is out of balance: 2) What supplement(s) will get you back in balance and 3) Precisely what dosage (neither too much nor too little) will do the job. People report feeling much, much better once they are taking the right medicine (and, again, no external chemicals are involved).
Eliminate toxins
Reduce or eliminate fatigue, IBS, arthritic conditions, asthma and skin rashes to name just a few problems. (For more information on how to eliminate toxins from your body, read my articles on Food Allergens, heavy metals, and immune challenges.)
Your adrenals may be in need of help if:
- You feel dizzy when standing up, or feel winded climbing a set of stairs.
- You wake up in the morning and feel as if you’ve been running all night.
- Try to lose weight and it simply isn’t coming off.
- You are experiencing restless sleep or, conversely, feel a surge of energy at 10 p.m. If so, your adrenals may be fatigued.
Q: How Do We Determine What the Body Needs?
The human body runs on electrical and chemical signals that are transmitted to and from the brain by the nervous system. By testing reflex points for each organ, tissue, or function using applied kinesiology, we monitor what the body needs. A weakened reflex area signifies an underlying dysfunction, which can negatively affect the patient’s health, and ability to recover from stressors. If you balance your hormones you can experience relief from many issues that stem from various dysfunctions.
Q: Why Do I need ‘Whole Food Supplements?
Much of our food today has chemicals and not enough nutrients. Whole food supplements are derived from organically grown whole foods, and prepared in a way that preserves their vital enzymes and vitamins. Only in this vital form can they help the body heal from the environmental stressors that may be compromising our immune systems.
Q: What Are The Major Barriers To Healing?
NRT often uncovers, then leeches out, such stressors as:
Food allergies: Grains, Dairy, Sugar (24 major ones in all)
Immune challenges: Fungal, viral and parasite.
Heavy metals: Mercury, aluminum, lead (16 in all)
Toxic chemicals: Acetates, Chlorine, Dyes (13 in all)
Q: What is Applied Kinesiology and is the information it gives you reliable?
Everything we do creates a chemical reaction, whether it’s eating or sleeping, walking or talking. And it’s known that every chemical reaction creates an electrical response in the body. Thus, electrical energy is constantly flowing between all parts and organs of the body. This natural flow can be disrupted by lifestyle, diet, stress, etc.
Applied Kinesiology testing uses your own nervous system to gauge the relative strength or weakness in an area being tested. I am thus able to access your body’s own information system, which tends to be highly accurate. Once this underlying stress is corrected through a nutritional program that is tailored specifically for your needs your body will respond accordingly.
Following your consultation, you will be given the results in a way that you can understand them, with a specific nutritional program that fits in with your lifestyle. We always begin gently, by giving your body the whole food supplements it requires to begin repairing itself.
Q: Why Can’t I just Change My Diet?
Unfortunately, there has been a drastic decline in the quality of food over the last fifty years. This has impacted almost every person in this country, and it is increasingly the case. As a result of poor diet, more people these days are dependent on more drugs than ever before. And still, people are getting sicker and sicker. Add to this the preponderance of toxins in the atmosphere–heavy metals, food allergens, chemicals and immune suppressants–and it has become all that much more difficult to simply change our diet in order to get healthy. We use only Whole Food supplements that come from organic farmland in Wisconsin. The company we use exclusively is Standard Process, which has been in existence since 1929.
Q: How Soon Before I see an Improvement?
Every person is different. Some people have been eating poorly their entire lives and ought to expect that their organ systems need gentle and persistent nourishment. These supplements are not drugs that suppress your symptoms–that is, after all what all drugs are designed to do–but whole food medicine that nourishes what has been damaged. This process can take some time.
That said, my patients often report feeling much improved in as little as 6-8 weeks. We all want to be cured of problems that often took a lifetime to build up to, but curing our bodies can take time, and requires a commitment to the program, and to yourself. If a patient proves to be a Nutrition Response Testing case, the chances of greatly improved health can be as high as 90% or better. Once we accept the case, we commit to helping the patient move back toward the full and abundant life they deserve.