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The Skinny On Cravings

The Skinny On Cravings

It’s a common belief that we are who we are, and our ‘cravings’ as such, are a part of our essential fabric. But many of us have a strong, and correct, sense that we can release many of our unhealthy urges, and for good. It’s simply a matter of finding the key that unlocks that door, opening the door, and walking through it.

Hypnosis is known to be a wonderful catalyst for change, and as such, we help people with all sorts of cravings. This is not to say that we are a substitute for Alcohol or Drug counseling.  And you can stop smoking, lose weight, and shift other undesired habits using hypnosis and/or acupuncture.   Some of the emotional issues I’ve helped people with include:

  • Nail biting,
  • Smoking,
  • Hair pulling,
  • Test anxiety,
  • Phobias,
  • Low self-esteem issues

Granted it’s a bit of a blanket statement to say that hypnosis can ‘cure’ any craving—and I don’t say that, because it wouldn’t be true. But if there’s some aspect about yourself that you’d like to change, call and we’ll talk about it.  And if I’m unable to help, I’ll let you know that too. The goal also remains to make sure you are getting the most out of life-right?


Daniel at Blue Phoenix

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